So I have following this to create a Product Carousel
When I view source where I inserted the productlisting I see all of the products being generated in the source but the productlisting area is blank like it is hidden. I have 12 products assigned to the featured Category. there is a product listing for Featured products and that displays fine but when I try and implement the Product Carousel no go.. Any help would be appreciated.
HTML is generated
When I view source where I inserted the productlisting I see all of the products being generated in the source but the productlisting area is blank like it is hidden. I have 12 products assigned to the featured Category. there is a product listing for Featured products and that displays fine but when I try and implement the Product Carousel no go.. Any help would be appreciated.
<mvt:item name="readytheme" param="Load_ProductListing('prod_carousel', g.prod_carousel_test )" /> <<< This I do not think is necessary? I <mvt:item name="readytheme" param="productlisting( 'prod_carousel' )" />
HTML is generated
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