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Miva Merchant 10.00.x Bug Reports

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  • SidFeyDesigns
    Originally posted by delcorsets View Post
    Product Sort > Move to Bottom does not seem to be working. I can select a product or group of products and Move to Top or Move to Position, but Move to Bottom is not moving products at all.
    I noticed this as well and to add to that the "Exit/Close" button is just a blank white square. There is no "X" icon to tell you what the square button does.

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  • delcorsets
    Product Sort > Move to Bottom does not seem to be working. I can select a product or group of products and Move to Top or Move to Position, but Move to Bottom is not moving products at all.

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  • SidFeyDesigns
    PayPal Smart buttons size field does not work.

    Here is what is on the Pay Pal Developer site:

    By default, the button adapts to the size of its container element.
    • To customize the button height, set the style.height option to a value from 25 to 55.
    • The width of your button container element must be large enough to fit the payment buttons in your layout. This is necessary for a horizontal button layout.
    The script output on the BASK page has this:

    paypal.Buttons( {
    layout: 'vertical',
    color: 'blue',
    shape: 'rect',
    size: 48,
    label: 'paypal',
    tagline: false
    I believe it should be this.

    paypal.Buttons( {
    layout: 'vertical',
    color: 'blue',
    shape: 'rect',
    height: 48,
    label: 'paypal',
    tagline: false

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  • Southlander
    Shadows Readytheme (browsing on mobile) - There is a login bug on the OINF page, **on just Android** far as I can test/confirm and have others test. When you select "Click here to log in" -- that form. It auto closes when you touch inside (for example) the login ID field to input your login. Thus there is no way to log in at that point in the checkout process. It works normally on iOS and also a desktop browser.

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  • Jim McCormick
    I've created a ticket in our support system and just emailed you from the ticket so we can collect some more information on this.

    Originally posted by William Davis View Post
    URGENT! - Unable to "301 Redirect to Canonical" legacy URI with illegal character(s) and/or space(s).

    Upon attempting to correct legacy URI with illegal characters and/or space(s), the following message is displayed (screenshot):

    Note: Attempt was made to temporarily disable Admin > Domain Settings > Site Configuration > Use Strict Validation Codes, in order to circumvent error displayed in above screenshot, but was unsuccessful. Thus, "Use Strict Validation Codes" feature was re-enabled.

    Proposed Solution: Permit authorized Admin users to "301 Redirect to Canonical" URIs with illegal characters and/or space(s).

    History: Though store operates on Miva Merchant latest version, it originally had "Use Strict Validation Codes" feature disabled from it's "MM4.24c Open UI" days as a work around in order to permit customers to use their email address ("@" symbol) as their user ID. Since the store has always used product and category codes as part of their URI structure (e.g.:[prod_code].html), any illegal character(s) and/or space(s) used in these "code" fields would subsequently generate comparable URI.

    Ideally, when "Use Strict Validation Codes" feature is enabled, the platform should perform a check for any illegal character(s) and/or space(s) violations prior to permitting the use of said feature and provide an option to generate an error log.



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  • William Davis
    URGENT! - Unable to "301 Redirect to Canonical" legacy URI with illegal character(s) and/or space(s).

    Upon attempting to correct legacy URI with illegal characters and/or space(s), the following message is displayed (screenshot):

    Note: Attempt was made to temporarily disable Admin > Domain Settings > Site Configuration > Use Strict Validation Codes, in order to circumvent error displayed in above screenshot, but was unsuccessful. Thus, "Use Strict Validation Codes" feature was re-enabled.

    Proposed Solution: Permit authorized Admin users to "301 Redirect to Canonical" URIs with illegal characters and/or space(s).

    History: Though store operates on Miva Merchant latest version, it originally had "Use Strict Validation Codes" feature disabled from it's "MM4.24c Open UI" days as a work around in order to permit customers to use their email address ("@" symbol) as their user ID. Since the store has always used product and category codes as part of their URI structure (e.g.:[prod_code].html), any illegal character(s) and/or space(s) used in these "code" fields would subsequently generate comparable URI.

    Ideally, when "Use Strict Validation Codes" feature is enabled, the platform should perform a check for any illegal character(s) and/or space(s) violations prior to permitting the use of said feature and provide an option to generate an error log.



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  • Eric Foresman
    Originally posted by [email protected] View Post
    I was doing some testing with coupons. I am seeing an issue during Checkout, but I don't experience it in the Basket (edit cart) page. The Basket page works as expected.

    Once a coupon has been applied, it appears you can add another coupon to the order, but the + sign is no longer active.
    There is not the ability to delete a coupon from the Checkout page. You have to go to the Basket page to delete it.

    ScreenHunter_1829 Jun. 18 11.02.jpg

    I also experienced the same behavior if an incorrect code was typed. If the user made a typo, they cannot click the + and try again.

    ScreenHunter_1830 Jun. 18 11.09.jpg

    Hi Shannon, i have reproduced this and field a bug for it. thanks for the info


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    I was doing some testing with coupons. I am seeing an issue during Checkout, but I don't experience it in the Basket (edit cart) page. The Basket page works as expected.

    Once a coupon has been applied, it appears you can add another coupon to the order, but the + sign is no longer active.
    There is not the ability to delete a coupon from the Checkout page. You have to go to the Basket page to delete it.

    ScreenHunter_1829 Jun. 18 11.02.jpg

    I also experienced the same behavior if an incorrect code was typed. If the user made a typo, they cannot click the + and try again.

    ScreenHunter_1830 Jun. 18 11.09.jpg

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  • Jim Cockerham
    Originally posted by Ron Frigon View Post

    I've run into this issue before as well. Simple fix is to just wrap the restore link in a conditional. A message could easily be added as well.

    <mvt:if expr="l.settings:group:product:code"><a class="u-font-small u-color-green" href="&mvte:group:restore:link;">Reorder</a></mvt:if>
    Nice Ron! That's works nicely, thank you. I added a check to see if the product was active so that inactive products don't give the error.
    <mvt:if expr="( l.settings:group:product:code ) AND (l.settings:group:product:active )"><a class="u-font-small u-color-green" href="&mvte:group:restore:link;">Reorder</a></mvt:if>

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  • Ron Frigon
    Originally posted by Jim Cockerham View Post
    When a customer tries to "Reorder" a product from a previous order on the ORDS screen, they will receive a Fatal Error if the product is no longer available or if the product code has changed. I don't know that this is really a bug, but it seem like there should be a more friendly error message.
    I've run into this issue before as well. Simple fix is to just wrap the restore link in a conditional. A message could easily be added as well.

    <mvt:if expr="l.settings:group:product:code"><a class="u-font-small u-color-green" href="&mvte:group:restore:link;">Reorder</a></mvt:if>

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  • Jim Cockerham
    When a customer tries to "Reorder" a product from a previous order on the ORDS screen, they will receive a Fatal Error if the product is no longer available or if the product code has changed. I don't know that this is really a bug, but it seem like there should be a more friendly error message.

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  • William Davis
    Admin > Product > Product Code field should never permit illegal URI characters when product code is being used as part of URI (e.g.: blank spaces, number sign, etc.).


    .../test- #12345.html

    This is a nightmare to fix because unlike Product Code field, URI screen does check for errors so how does one correct can URI to perform a 301 redirect?

    Update: Since my initial post, I've been advised that such a feature has been in existence for many years. I later came across on old post on the forums by me when on MM4.24c OpenUI, discussing the disabling of said feature in order to enable customers the ability use their email address as their users id as a workaround. I have enable this feature to avoid further problems in the future. Apologies for my confusion.
    Last edited by William Davis; 06-03-22, 06:28 AM.

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    I didn't see this in the list of bugs, so I'll pile another one onto the Product Copy feature. The attribute template option "default" setting does not copy over.

    Original product is using just attributes & options, no attribute template. Copied product attributes are correct, but we lose the selection for the default option and have to manually go and set it on each copy.

    Miva Merchant 10.02.00
    MivaScript Enginev5.36
    Database APImysql

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  • lesliekirk
    Originally posted by jstinsch View Post
    I wasn't sure if this was the best place to get help, but my company has been having issues ever since we updated to 10.03.01. We have had a large sum of customers who once they get to the shipping options page and click continue after they select their shipping speed, nothing happens. So they are just forever stuck at this page with nothing further even attempting to load. The IT department consists of just me and my manager and I have been trying to work with our customers to try and find out what is causing this, but we have not been able to find a rhyme or reason as to fix this issue. Has anyone else been having this problem?
    Are you using any sort of Address Verification?

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  • jstinsch
    I wasn't sure if this was the best place to get help, but my company has been having issues ever since we updated to 10.03.01. We have had a large sum of customers who once they get to the shipping options page and click continue after they select their shipping speed, nothing happens. So they are just forever stuck at this page with nothing further even attempting to load. The IT department consists of just me and my manager and I have been trying to work with our customers to try and find out what is causing this, but we have not been able to find a rhyme or reason as to fix this issue. Has anyone else been having this problem?

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