We have customer discount levels and would prefer the discounts to show up as basket discounts, rather than product discounts, so we're trying to use the Basket Discount (Specific Products) style Price Group.
We setup a handful of Basket Discount (Specific Products) Price Groups and set them up to be "Excluded for Same Item." The Miva 10 docs for the Basket Discount (Specific Products) price groups refers to the Exclusions info says that "This allows multiple discounts to be applied to the same basket, but not for the same item." But I'm not able to get it to work like I thought it would, and it's combining for the same item. I'm unable to use Exclude for the Same Basket, becasue it conflicts in situations where one item is a better price through another Price Group, but other items aren't.
Does "Exclude for the Same Item" work (or work differently) when using Basket Discount Price Groups? Thanks for the info!
We setup a handful of Basket Discount (Specific Products) Price Groups and set them up to be "Excluded for Same Item." The Miva 10 docs for the Basket Discount (Specific Products) price groups refers to the Exclusions info says that "This allows multiple discounts to be applied to the same basket, but not for the same item." But I'm not able to get it to work like I thought it would, and it's combining for the same item. I'm unable to use Exclude for the Same Basket, becasue it conflicts in situations where one item is a better price through another Price Group, but other items aren't.
Does "Exclude for the Same Item" work (or work differently) when using Basket Discount Price Groups? Thanks for the info!