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Coupon Codes Export or Import

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    Coupon Codes Export or Import

    Scenario: We are starting a campaign with a 3rd party service called AddShoppers.

    They are requiring us to provide them a csv list of unique single use coupons that are sent to visitors that bounce off our site.

    I know that Miva can generate coupons so that is not the issue.

    I'm looking for a way to export all coupon codes that have a set of characters in the code. Ex: HAPPY

    I'm comfortable with using Template Based Feeds, however I can't find a function that loads all the coupons in the store which would allow me to write a conditional to only include the codes that have said characters. Ex: <mvt:if expr="'HAPPY' CIN l.settings:coupon:code">

    If this isn't possible, I can use this tool here to create the codes and then import them.

    Problem is I'm not sure what values are needed for certain fields in the header row.
    • ELIGIBILITY: Is this All Shoppers or is there a code? ex: all_shoppers
    • NOT_VALID_BEFORE/AFTER: What format is needed for these dates?
    • PRICE_GROUPS: I would assume this is the code of the price group?

    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by SidFeyDesigns; 12-21-22, 08:57 AM.
    Nick Harkins

    While the UI in this video is out of date, the concepts are the same:

    You can bulk generate coupons with any prefix you want then export them to CSV.

    Brennan Heyde
    VP Product
    Miva, Inc.
    [email protected]


      Thanks Brennan .

      I found that after posting. I also always forget about the export option that hides behind the three dot button.

      I would assume if I only want to export certain coupons, I would just need to search for HAPPY and then check all the boxes to export just the codes with HAPPY?
      Nick Harkins

