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Regenerating Single Variant

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    Regenerating Single Variant

    We are wondering if there is a way to regenerate a single variant for a product or if all variants have to be regenerated each time. Specifically, if we are using an attribute template and have it assigned to a number of products, but then later add another attribute to that template, do we have to regenerate all variants for all products to get the new attribute to show up for each product? We are hoping there is a way to avoid this, because every time we regenerate variants, there is a lot of manual clean-up work that needs to be done (deleting variations that aren't needed/applicable, fixing titles of products that are regenerated, sometimes fixing pricing duplications or images assigned) and cleaning up sku numbers). We are concerned that moving forward when we add an attribute to a template, it will cause hours of clean up work because we have to regenerate all the variants for all the products. Thank you!

    You can manually add a single variant to a product without having to use the re-generate utility.

    Here are the steps:
    1. Modify the attribute template to add the new attribute option (this is assuming you link the attribute template to the product vs copy.)
    1. Create the new part product. This is a non-active product that is used to store things like the variant images, sku, price, cost and weight. This has to be done on a per product basis. So if you have the attribute template applied to 100 products and you add a new color, you need to add 100 new part products ( This is one of the steps that clicking the auto-generate variants does for you)
    2. Edit the product and go into the variants tab. Here you can click "Add Variant" where you can map the attribute combination and click add part to link it to the part you created for this product in step 2.

    Brennan Heyde
    VP Product
    Miva, Inc.
    [email protected]


      Thank you! That worked perfectly.

