So far when we have uploaded images for products or other parts of our Miva site (product pages, homepage, etc...) we have not paid attention to image sizes. We generally have using images from our camera that are approximately 3000px x 3000px. These are several MB files.
I did some reading in Miva's help documentation and found that the Image Management section of Miva automatically creates downsized versions of this original and uses it for various places it might be shown in the site (with a much smaller file size). So, my question is, does it matter if we are uploading such large files? If so, what is a better size to upload for our high resolution images? Is 1000px large enough for any spot on the site? Also, should we consider converting files to another format than PNG...maybe WEBP?
We want our site to load quickly and are willing to do a large project going back and replacing thousands of images with smaller resolution files...but it is a lot of man hours. So, before we do that, I wanted to check to see if it makes any difference since Miva already seems to downsize files and display the smallest file needed for the particular page/device. Thank you!
I did some reading in Miva's help documentation and found that the Image Management section of Miva automatically creates downsized versions of this original and uses it for various places it might be shown in the site (with a much smaller file size). So, my question is, does it matter if we are uploading such large files? If so, what is a better size to upload for our high resolution images? Is 1000px large enough for any spot on the site? Also, should we consider converting files to another format than PNG...maybe WEBP?
We want our site to load quickly and are willing to do a large project going back and replacing thousands of images with smaller resolution files...but it is a lot of man hours. So, before we do that, I wanted to check to see if it makes any difference since Miva already seems to downsize files and display the smallest file needed for the particular page/device. Thank you!