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Google Shopping Feed with Variants

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    Google Shopping Feed with Variants

    I am struggling to build a field that correctly associates Inventory Variant Product codes to the Master Product Code in a manner that will make Google happy.

    From Google, it says to use Item group ID [item_group_id] - that would be the Master Product Code. The only time I've used the Master Product Code is when I've created an import that will have Inventory Variant Products.

    In the Miva Docs it discusses how checking Load Variants and
    access to the master products data will be available if needed.
    I'm struggling to find how to tie the Master Product Code to the Variants if needed.

    I have found it mentions
    <mvt:if expr="NOT ISNULL l.settings:record:variant"> //output variant data records here </mvt:if>
    If I understand this correctly, would this be the place to also include Item group ID [item_group_id] if the data is for a variant?

    FWIW - the samples in the Miva Docs are out of date. Google does not like spaces in the field names. You need to use underscores instead,

    ps...I'm posting here because I suspect there may be other storeowners struggling with this too.
    Leslie Kirk
    Miva Certified Developer
    Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
    Previously of Webs Your Way
    (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

    Email me: [email protected]

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