In the footer on OCST, I have the following:
On the header of OSEL, I have this:
I disabled javascript on my browser, and saw No Script at the top of OSEL like I had hoped, but its showing up when I re-enable javascript as well. I've cleared out the browser data and tried again, but same result. I'm hoping to write it to a custom order field, so I can make sure someone has javascript enabled if theres an issue with their order. (I use javascript to add on other products to the basket).
Any ideas?
<mvt:item name="customfields" param="Write_Basket( 'noScriptCheck', 'No Script' )" />
<mvt:item name="customfields" param="Write_Basket( 'noScriptCheck', 'No Script' )" />
<mvt:item name="customfields" param="Read_Basket( 'noScriptCheck', g.noScriptCheck )" />
Any ideas?