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Add product with attributes from URL

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    Add product with attributes from URL

    We have a non-Miva website with URLs that add products into a Miva basket on our Miva website that we use for checkout. I am able to do this with the Action=ADPR and also Action=ADPM, but I am not able to get it to work adding a product with attributes. The best I have been able to do is to add the product and then if it has attributes it open the Attributes in bold are required. screen and the customer has to pick them from that screen. Here are a few of the things I have tried without success. Is it possible to add products with attributes to the basket from a URL? Thank you!

    mm5/merchant.mvc?SCREEN=BASK&Store_Code=cartdataq&Acti on=ADPR&Product_Code=TC-JWB2-C&Attributes=Yes&Product_Attributes[1]:code=TC_Custom&Product_Attributes[1]:template_code=TC_Feet&Product_Attributes[1]:value=TC_35&Quantity=1


    Try adding the attribute count in the URL:



      Thank you for your help. I have tried adding that for both the ADPR and ADPM method with no luck. If I do this url:


      It goes to the Attributes in bold are required. screen. If I take out the Attributes=Yes then it adds the product without any attributes even though they are required.
      Last edited by tberry; 01-29-25, 10:50 AM.


        tberry This seemed to work for me:

        Nicholas Adkins
        Technical Training Specialist / Miva, Inc.
        [email protected]


          Are you sure that you have the correct values for :code and :template_code? IIRC there's this quirk where, if the attribute is from a template, you put the template's code in the :code parameter, and the product's code in :template_code. Kind of counter-intuitive.
          Kent Multer
          Magic Metal Productions

          * Web developer/designer
          * E-commerce and Miva
          * Author, The Official Miva Web Scripting Book -- available on-line:


            Originally posted by Nick View Post
            tberry This seemed to work for me:

            Nick - sorry, I left the &Attributes=Yes out of that so when it is adding it to the basket it does not have the attributes. Here is the url with Attributes=Yes and you can see it just goes to the Attributes required screen.

            Last edited by tberry; 02-03-25, 05:37 AM.


              Originally posted by Kent Multer View Post
              Are you sure that you have the correct values for :code and :template_code? IIRC there's this quirk where, if the attribute is from a template, you put the template's code in the :code parameter, and the product's code in :template_code. Kind of counter-intuitive.
              Kent, thank you, I tried switching the code and template code with the same result of landing on the Attributes required screen. I also tried a different product not using the template at all and am getting the same result. /mm5/merchant....uct_Attributes[1]:code=TC_KFeet&Product_Attributes[1]:value=TC_35&Quantity=1
              Last edited by tberry; 02-03-25, 05:37 AM.


                I haven't seen the &Attributes=Yes parameter. Are you using a third party module?


                  Originally posted by alphabet View Post
                  I haven't seen the &Attributes=Yes parameter. Are you using a third party module?
                  No 3rd party module. I'm actually not sure where I got the &Attributes=Yes part of the URL, but when it is there it requires the attributes and when it is not the URL just adds the product with no attributes so I figured it was just telling Miva to require the attributes? I have actually tried on and off for years to add a product with attributes via the URL with no luck so if anyone has a working example that would be awesome! When I was adding these new products I searched the forum for an answer and found one post of someone having the same problem and then I realized I had posted it in 2014, haha.

                  I appreciate your help


                    tberry When I use this URL:

                    Add to Basket

                    The functionality works, I am directed to the BASK page with the item in the basket.

                    Nicholas Adkins
                    Technical Training Specialist / Miva, Inc.
                    [email protected]


                      [QUOTE=Nick;n723963]tberry This seemed to work for me:

                      Thanks Nick, that link does not have the &Attributes=Yes in it and so it works but does not have the attributes or correct pricing for the product.

                      I am hoping that someone can provide me with a working URL example for another website or something that adds the product to the basket with the attributes.


                        tberry It appears that the 'value' should be 'TC-35' instead of 'TC_35'. Try this:


                          afiumano Good grab!


                            Thank you so much!!! I embarrassed that's what it was but I am so glad you caught it!

