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OUI/MMUI Store Framework Exporter Beta

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    Re: OUI/MMUI Store Framework Exporter Beta

    Update: It gets to Module Settings, I see the Firefox tab has "Loading". The FF tab shows Loading for about a minute, then returns to the "page name". Also down in the bottom left corner of the browser window, it says "Done" but the screen is still at 0/29.
    Leslie Kirk
    Miva Certified Developer
    Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
    Previously of Webs Your Way
    (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

    Email me: [email protected]

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      Re: OUI/MMUI Store Framework Exporter Beta

      that's happened to me a few times in the past, too.

      I usually go in and pack the data and use the open maintenance feature to pack all modules / tables and try again.

      sometimes it makes it through, sometimes it doesn't. No rhyme or reason to it as far as I can tell.
      Mark Romero


        Re: OUI/MMUI Store Framework Exporter Beta

        Originally posted by Rick Wilson View Post
        We'll get back to updating the Catalog Exporter/Importer to add OUI Headers and Footers for Products and Categories, but it'll happen after our next feature release which will be out in a few weeks.
        Hi Rick,

        Has the tool been updated to include this functionality yet?

        Thank You,

        Hosting 4 Less
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          Re: OUI/MMUI Store Framework Exporter Beta

          No, not until after we finish the coming updates.

          Rick Wilson
          Miva, Inc.
          [email protected]


            Re: OUI/MMUI Store Framework Exporter Beta


            You can run the OUI Framework Exporter on the 4.x store, rename the .pkg file to .tar.bz2 and use a program like winrar or winzip to extract the files. You can then edit the prod_ctgy_hdft.htm within the components directory, copy and paste this information into the Import Data from XML File or just browse to this .htm file via the Import Data from XML file screen. This should pull in the header and footer contents for both products and categories.

            Let me know if this works for you.


            Wayne Smith


              Re: OUI/MMUI Store Framework Exporter Beta

              What might be causing the xml file to time out when uploading the catalog to Miva 5.5? There are only 2200 products, but the catalog import times out every time. Any suggestions?


                Re: OUI/MMUI Store Framework Exporter Beta

                Trying to export a 4 store using 4.14 engine using exporter 4.2408. It appears to finish but file is not emailed and when viewing the FTP structure of

                mivadata/Mechant2/0000001/export/ no package file but their is an oui folder which we named the export within it is compoents, images, pages and an xml file can we simply download all this and zip it and save as .pkg file and add as framework?


                Hosting 4 Less
                Miva Merchant Premier Hosting Partner
                Sales/Support Line: 888.818.0444

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                  Re: OUI/MMUI Store Framework Exporter Beta


                  Are you able to upgrade the engine? We posted some known issues with earlier versions of the engine.

                  These are the known issues we're seeing regarding the OpenUI export module:

                  1) Engine versions before 5.03 will always fail, since they do not implement the "tar_create" function, which is required to generate the framework package file (no workaround other than an engine upgrade).

                  2) Engine versions before 5.07 will intermittently send corrupted email attachments due to an engine bug, however, the valid package file can still be retrieved from the data directory on the server.

                  3) Module versions 4.2404 and 4.2405 have a bug related to how "../" relative images are parsed out of some page templates, which causes any of these images to fail to be copied and their references are reduced to <img src="">. These versions also suffer from a susceptibility to crash when parsing certain types of broken HTML for image and CSS tags.

                  Wayne Smith


                    Re: OUI/MMUI Store Framework Exporter Beta

                    I was told the Framework will transfer these over but the catalog will not at this time.
                    ...but the framework still can't be imported into a CSSUI store, right?

                    Or can you import frameworks to CSSUI stores now?
                    Mark Romero


                      Re: OUI/MMUI Store Framework Exporter Beta

                      You can certainly use Frameworks on a CSSUI store, but NOT the ones exported from 4.x.

                      A Framework is any collection of Miva Merchant pages saved and bundled together. The reason the 4.x ones will never work on CSSUI, is the underlying code in 4.x is essentially MMUI and it's not possible to convert between them.

                      Rick Wilson
                      Miva, Inc.
                      [email protected]


                        Re: OUI/MMUI Store Framework Exporter Beta

                        You can certainly use Frameworks on a CSSUI store, but NOT the ones exported from 4.x.
                        Yup. I remember the confusion about which "framework" we were talking about back on page 1 or 2 of this thread.

                        but just to summarize:

                        You can export / import the OUI headers and other items form a 4.X store into an MMUI 5.5 store, but NOT into a CSSUI store, correct?

                        thanks in advance.
                        Mark Romero


                          Re: OUI/MMUI Store Framework Exporter Beta


                          You can "unzip" the package file to import headers and footers for a store using Miva Merchant CSSUI as the user interface. Once you create the package file (XX.pkg) from the 4.x store, you will need to rename the file to XX.tar.bz2 and use something like winrar or winzip to extract the files. You can then use the Import Data from XML File and browse to the X.htm files within the components directory (XX/components/prod_catgy_hdft.htm).

                          Wayne Smith


                            Re: OUI/MMUI Store Framework Exporter Beta

                            It would be so awesome if the exporter could grab the OUI Category Titles and the OUI Category Headers & Footers content. StoreMan will grab the OUI Category Headers & Footers but not the OUI Category Titles.

                            Probably would be really nice to have this at the Product level too.
                            Leslie Kirk
                            Miva Certified Developer
                            Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
                            Previously of Webs Your Way
                            (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

                            Email me: [email protected]

                            Follow me: Twitter | Facebook | FourSquare | Pinterest | Flickr


                              Re: OUI/MMUI Store Framework Exporter Beta


                              I believe all of these fields are exported with either tool (export-mmui-layout5.mvc or export-openui-layout5.mvc). Now the framework can't be applied to a store running Store User Inferace set to Miva Merchant CSSUI however you can "unzip" the package and import the headers and footers.

                              Run the export framework tool on the 4.x store which will create a XX.pkg file within the export directory. Change the extension on that file to XX.tar.bz2 and use winrar or winzip to extract the files to your desktop. You can then pick and choose which fields to import into the 5.x store.


                              You can import the files directly into the store via the Import Data from XML File (utilities >>> Import Data >>> Import Data from XML File >>> Upload button >>> browse to file and upload)

                              Make sure to apply the catalog export first, orders export (if you need order history) and then the frame work export to the 5.x store.

                              Let me know if this is what your looking for.


                              Wayne Smith


                                Re: OUI/MMUI Store Framework Exporter Beta

                                You are correct, I did get the OUI Category Header & Footers from the export. I had to go back and redo them because of some issues unrelated the to the export. But there are some other OUI fields that are not being exported and would be good to have since MM5.5 now has the ability to do more and more Meta tags. For example - the default OUI setup has Category (page) Titles.
                                Leslie Kirk
                                Miva Certified Developer
                                Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
                                Previously of Webs Your Way
                                (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

                                Email me: [email protected]

                                Follow me: Twitter | Facebook | FourSquare | Pinterest | Flickr

