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4.24 Customer Login --> Product_Landing.htm?

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    4.24 Customer Login --> Product_Landing.htm?

    I am redesigning my site and have run into a puzzle.
    After a customer logs in via the "Sign in to cart" screen, they are redirected to "Product_landing.htm"
    I want to eliminate the "product_landing.htm" and allow the user to return to the screen prior to their login or index.htm.

    Q: Where is the setting for the redirect? I'm making myself crazy looking for it.


    Re: 4.24 Customer Login --> Product_Landing.htm?

    There is no setting to redirect that, which is why you can't find it.. someone must have added a custom login page.

    Thank you,
    Gary Hodder
    CybrHost Corp. - - [email protected]
    +1-866-300-MIVA - Professional Miva & E-Commerce web hosting services.
    Premiere Hosting Partner Since 1999


      Re: 4.24 Customer Login --> Product_Landing.htm?

      I am redesigning my site and have run into a puzzle.
      With all due respect, if you are redesigning your site, the bigger puzzle is, "why are you still using MM 4???"

      If you are going to redesign it, do yourself a solid and upgrade to Merchant 5.5. Your life will be much easier.

      And now, right before the Christmas shopping season, is probably NOT good time to redesign a store anyway, especially if you are planning on getting a lot of visitors from search engine traffic. have heard many tales of how site-wide redesigns caused search engine traffic to drop like a rock.

      just some food for thought.
      Mark Romero


        Re: 4.24 Customer Login --> Product_Landing.htm?


        An even bigger reason to upgrade is the fact that the 4.24 is not, and will not be, PA-DSS compliant. More info:

        You'd be better off getting a dev site going with your host for the newest version of Miva and redesign in it while your v.4 runs "live", then make the switch when your dev site is ready. But, keep in mind that you are not compliant in the meantime, which is not a good thing at matter the season.
        Last edited by jsdva; 11-03-10, 10:43 AM.
        Jamie Donaldson
        JSDVS Web Design / Development
        Web Design | Web Development | E-commerce Design & Integration

