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shipping modules: VC USPS ADV & MIVA FEDEX

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    shipping modules: VC USPS ADV & MIVA FEDEX

    Upgraded the USPS Advanced module yesterday, and was working. This morning... I noticed there was something wrong with the checkout process as the shipping rates dropdown box was not loading - I started to deactivate/de-enable the shipping modules (one at a time) to see which one was the culprit.

    In doing that I wiped out the USERID for the USPS advanced module - I had to re-apply for a USERID from the USPS ... and called them to activate it to the production servers... but I cannot seem to get the rates to show up... I've triple checked that the mod is active and enabled. And I've triple checked the usps server in the advanced options ... I've got three options selected (two international and the priority mail option for domestic) I would expect to see the priority mail option show up when I do a test purchase... and I get nothing...

    I've been at this all morning...any help would be greatly appreciated.
    I ship worldwide so right now, I'm pretty much unable to offer international shipping.. via the site... -
    Last edited by charmandhammer; 01-06-11, 09:18 AM.
    Thank you,
    Gear for Hard Working Women

    Re: shipping modules: VC USPS ADV & MIVA FEDEX

    FYI - I believe it was the fedex mod that was effecting the shipping rate drop down box... seems to be back up and running smooth now... but meanwhile the USPS advanced is a complete mystery. (UPS mod has been working all along with any issues).

    Thanks for any help you can offer.
    Last edited by charmandhammer; 01-06-11, 09:38 AM.
    Thank you,
    Gear for Hard Working Women


      Re: shipping modules: VC USPS ADV & MIVA FEDEX

      I guess now that I have a new UserID for the usps webtools, my VC license is no good....

      How's that song go... I LOST MY LICENSE AND NOW I DON't DRIVE!

      Just one more reason to completely ditch Miva.....
      I've got this pro's and con's list of upgrading to MM5 vs. Upgrading to a completely different cart .... this one is definitely in the con's column for the upgrade ... after checking Viking Coder's "new" reset license policy...

      I guess no cart is perfect... but Miva is like a tennis match... just when the volley gets going, the ball goes out of the court!
      Last edited by charmandhammer; 01-06-11, 01:13 PM.
      Thank you,
      Gear for Hard Working Women


        Re: shipping modules: VC USPS ADV & MIVA FEDEX

        .... this one is definitely in the con's column for the upgrade ... after checking Viking Coder's "new" reset license policy...
        I would be surprised if with all the chaos that has been surrounding the USPS rate / API updates that someone at eMedia / VC might not feel some sympathy for your situation and be able to re-issue you a license.

        Personally, I do have to admit that I have been gun shy about purchasing some modules from some designers because of their support / update policies. And while this may not work for your shipping needs, I have seemed to be doing well with some of the static shipping modules that I have purchased through and before you get too serious in your thoughts of possibly abandoning Miva Merchant, I would hope you might see if some static shipping modules might work out well for you.

        Hope this helps.
        Mark Romero


          Re: shipping modules: VC USPS ADV & MIVA FEDEX

          The policy also makes it difficult to work in a dev environment too...
          Leslie Kirk
          Miva Certified Developer
          Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
          Previously of Webs Your Way
          (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

          Email me:

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            Re: shipping modules: VC USPS ADV & MIVA FEDEX

            The policy also makes it difficult to work in a dev environment too...
            Yes, I think they want $50 if you are going to be moving from a subdomain (where most people do their development work) to the main domain.

            I certainly want developers to get what they are due. I just hope that something is workable in the future for situations like the USPS modules breaking and the development dillema.
            Mark Romero

