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How to remove randomly generated MIVA HTML code from site?

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    How to remove randomly generated MIVA HTML code from site?


    I have rebuilt a site around Miva 4.24 and it was my first time using it. The client wanted to retain the old merchant software, as they have a very very simplified buying process that doesn't need much new technology.

    Anyway, point being it was my first time using Miva and found it was kind of neat that I could input complete sections of my design code into certain parts and retain the overall feel of the site.

    What I wasn't expecting was random snippets of useless <font> <td> etc.. code thrown into the end result, and I simply can't find out where it is coming or originating from.

    Perhaps someone here might have some advice or knowledge on the topic.


    I have read that DOCTYPE's can't be inputted, which stinks but if you look here on line 137:

    <!-- Sidebar Container End -->
    </FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></TD><TD ALIGN="
    left" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="80%"> <BR><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="" SIZE="">
    <!-- Body Content Container Start -->

    In between where I have two marked off section is a ton of closed tags and table tags that have no use...but
    seem to be generated from somewhere as a witch of '80%' isn't random.

    It happens again on line 716, where there is about 50 <tr> </tr> over and over again followed by


    Any idea where this might come from or how I can get rid of it? It is causing validation nightmares!

    Re: How to remove randomly generated MIVA HTML code from site?

    Unfortunately, simple is not necessarily a call to use very outdated software. First, many of the folks here weren't even around when MM4 was viable, and those that where (like me) can't remember many specifics.

    The main issue is shipping/payment. If your current methods run into a problem, or the gateway changes, you are out of luck. Its not going to be fixed.

    Lastly, validation is a minor concern as the site will not pass PCI Compliance and you might soon be unable to use a gateway processor for payment.
    Bruce Golub
    Phosphor Media - "Your Success is our Business"

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      Re: How to remove randomly generated MIVA HTML code from site?

      I would add to that the cost for the new generation is the same or less than 4.x, so the only barrier to entry should be the time to do it properly.

      Rick Wilson
      Miva, Inc.


        Re: How to remove randomly generated MIVA HTML code from site?

        While I appreciate the posts - they do not address my question at all.

        We have definitely discussed the adoption of MM5.5, but the client has just spent enough time on the site redesign, that it is not our main concern at the moment.

        The question I have is fairly simple and not time consuming to fix.

        Anyway, I did a bit of sleuthing myself, and pasted some snippets of the errant code into google, and found a few exact matches to modules. So I am guessing it is somewhere in the 'active' modules that is creating this text. Unfortunately, this merchant has about 65 modules active, and I don't know which would be creating the html.

        So that is probably the answer, and I don't expect anyone to know which modules created that specific html, so thanks anyway!!!


          Re: How to remove randomly generated MIVA HTML code from site?

          Much of the code of an 4.x and below stores isn't even accessible in order to fix it to your liking...that changes with CSSUI. And, just as html code has changed/evolved over the years, so has Miva. It's just like a normal site that hasn't been touched in'll have those font tags and structure consisting of tables.

          So, if your client doesn't want to are stuck with an out of date store and have to work around that. Been there, done that. But, if your client is processing credit cards online, the cost of upgrading versus getting it for not being compliant will make it worth it. You need to talk to the client and explain it in regards to compliance.

          Jamie Donaldson
          JSDVS Web Design / Development
          Web Design | Web Development | E-commerce Design & Integration


            Re: How to remove randomly generated MIVA HTML code from site?

            If you really want to find out what is generating those empty tags, you will have to go in and DEACTIVATE the individual modules, then check the source code.

            Do NOT delete the modules as you will lose all settings.

            Even when you DEACTIVATE a module, I am not 100% sure you will retain all licensing information. You MIGHT lose it upon deactivation, and then either 1) Have to buy a new license, or 2) Go without the module because the developer of that module no longer supports it - or has gone out of business.

            It really doesn't matter to me whether you upgrade the site or not. However, if I was giving the BEST advice I could give to MY client, and they are not willing to do the thing that would be the best medium to long range solution, I would think very carefully about whether I would want them as a client.

            Anyway, hope this helps. What I would do if I were you would be to look at ALL the advantages of 5.5 and look CLOSELY at your client's business practices and see whether there are features in 5.5 that your client ISN'T AWARE OF YET that could save them money / boost sales.
            Mark Romero


              Re: How to remove randomly generated MIVA HTML code from site?


              That is correct...if the module is created correctly, deactivating it should not change or alter any settings. However, the code he mentioned is coming from OUI.mvc or MMUI.mvc, which I'm sure he doesn't want to deactivate.<g>
              Bruce Golub
              Phosphor Media - "Your Success is our Business"

              Improve Your Customer Service | Get MORE Customers | Edit CSS/Javascript/HTML Easily | Make Your Site Faster | Get Indexed by Google | Free Modules | Follow Us on Facebook

