We will be implementing the Minimum & Maximum Quantity module on a miva 4 store. We will be using it to set a minimum order of 6 on each product. Is there a way to change the default value in the Quantity field from '1' to '6'? We will need to do this on the Category pages and Product pages.
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Default Quantity Field
Re: Default Quantity Field
See the min max quantity install/usage doc. With openui, the quantity input is altered to work with the module. In the doc it tells you what to put to specify the minimum quantity. That number will appear in the quantity input on the product page and basket page. It does not alter the category page because that input is not standard on that page.Bill Weiland - Emporium Plus http://www.emporiumplus.com/store.mvc
Online Documentation http://www.emporiumplus.com/tk3/v3/doc.htm
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Re: Default Quantity Field
Unfortunately, the store is setup as line items on the category page so that is where most of the ordering occurs. The box that pops up with the quantity message when someone selects an add to cart button 'breaks' the store graphics and doesn't look good so we removed that feature. So I just thought it would be more user friendly if the quantity 'defaulted' to 6 before hitting "add to cart". But it looks like we will just have to have a global message indicating a minimum order of 6.