For the past couple of days, the credit card data is no longer being displayed within the "Credit Card Payment With Simple Validation" tab. Also, when I go to process orders, I see "** Secured **" for card type, name on card, card number, expiration date.
I am using the stock simple validation module and no other change that I am aware of was made. I also do not see the credit card data in the orders.dbt file for recent orders, just the type of card used.
Any assistance will be much appreciated.
For the past couple of days, the credit card data is no longer being displayed within the "Credit Card Payment With Simple Validation" tab. Also, when I go to process orders, I see "** Secured **" for card type, name on card, card number, expiration date.
I am using the stock simple validation module and no other change that I am aware of was made. I also do not see the credit card data in the orders.dbt file for recent orders, just the type of card used.
Any assistance will be much appreciated.