Hello All,
A lot of my friends recommended using MIVA Merchant for my eCommerce site. I wanted to try Miva before i jump into to it.
Now i download MivaMerchantMia v-5.07.exe file and installed Miva Mia. Now in the support documents it says
but my problem i didnt purchase any store license because i wanted to try on local computer. so NOW i am stuck, as i dont have HTML and DATA files.
How can i get them, is there a place where i can download some sample or test data files.
I have created my database called MIVADB using MySQL, but the problem is the that database is empty DB as i dont know what tables to create.
CAN someone please help me out, I really appreciate it.
I want to try Miva before i use it for my business.
A lot of my friends recommended using MIVA Merchant for my eCommerce site. I wanted to try Miva before i jump into to it.
Now i download MivaMerchantMia v-5.07.exe file and installed Miva Mia. Now in the support documents it says
Download The Install File
Whether you just purchased a MIVA Merchant store license, or are a web host considering including MIVA Merchant in your e-commerce offerings, you should have received an e-mail message that contains a link to the MIVA Merchant FTP site. (This is a separate message from the one you used in the MIVA Mia installation.)
Whether you just purchased a MIVA Merchant store license, or are a web host considering including MIVA Merchant in your e-commerce offerings, you should have received an e-mail message that contains a link to the MIVA Merchant FTP site. (This is a separate message from the one you used in the MIVA Mia installation.)
How can i get them, is there a place where i can download some sample or test data files.
I have created my database called MIVADB using MySQL, but the problem is the that database is empty DB as i dont know what tables to create.
CAN someone please help me out, I really appreciate it.
I want to try Miva before i use it for my business.