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Gilligan's Google Analytics Module for 5/5.5 is now FREE at Miva Central

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    Re: Gilligan's Google Analytics Module for 5/5.5 is now FREE at Miva Central

    Would also like to know how to track goals using golanalytics.


      Re: Gilligan's Google Analytics Module for 5/5.5 is now FREE at Miva Central

      Originally posted by wmgilligan View Post
      You'll want to remove all the old code and only use this module as per the install doc. Using both (EXCEPT on non-merchant pages) will cause problems.

      I guess I wasn't clear. I have G-A code on other pages outside of the store. I do not currently have any code inside of the store. I want to use that same G-A code inside of the store. Will this module let me do that? How does it register with Google? Does it expect me to enter the G-A code I already have?


        Re: Gilligan's Google Analytics Module for 5/5.5 is now FREE at Miva Central

        Yes the module will let you do that. It's free, just download it and follow the instructions.

        Rick Wilson
        Miva, Inc.
        [email protected]


          Re: Gilligan's Google Analytics Module for 5/5.5 is now FREE at Miva Central

          Thanks for making this free!

          Is there a way to set the
          for google to the short url form?

          otherwise I just get thousands of hits on merchant.mvc
          and I really would like to know which actual page in the store they are visiting.


            Re: Gilligan's Google Analytics Module for 5/5.5 is now FREE at Miva Central

            okay I think I have found a way.. I have one problem though
            within the global footer, I can't seem to get the variables
            &mvta:category:code; or &mvta:product:code;

            For gilligan's module, there is an addition to the global footer. What I did was use storemorph to modify that javascxrxipt. I output the _trackPageview content conditionally depending on the screen being displayed.
            You can look in the admin pages list to get the screen codes.
            My problem is on category (CTGY) and product pages (PROD)
            the storemorph variables for the current category and or product don't seem to exist within the footer. They just output the actual text with the ampersands and all, they don't morph!

            Any ideas?

            oh yeah here is how I modified gillian's global footer script.
            (be careful, you'll need to modify it for your own purposes and the CTGY and PROD don't work yet--looking for help here for that)

            <script type="text/javascript">
            var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-XXXXXXX-1");
            <mvt:if expr="(g.screen EQ 'PROD')">
            <mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'CTGY')">
            <mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'OINF')">
            <mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'OSEL')">
            <mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'OPAY')">
            <mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'INVC')">
            <mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'BASK')">
            <mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'SFNT')">
            <mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'TERMS')">
            <mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'SMAP')">
            <mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'ACAD')">
            <mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'ACED')">
            <mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'BSKE')">
            <mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'LOGN')">
            <mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'OUS1')">
            <mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'OUSM')">
            <mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'PATR')">
            <mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'SRCH')">
            Last edited by Dave Slifka; 11-10-08, 09:27 AM.


              Re: Gilligan's Google Analytics Module for 5/5.5 is now FREE at Miva Central

              I think I've actually found a bug in store morph
              actually display just find in the global footer if there is something in the variable.

              the problem is that within something like


              the mvt tokens are not parsed.

              So maybe Ray Yates or Bill Weilands tools would be a way around it.

              But it seems like it should work in store morph.. it just doesn't.

              Hopefully Miva will get this fixed.


                Re: Gilligan's Google Analytics Module for 5/5.5 is now FREE at Miva Central

                There is a workaround if you have the current Emporium Plus Tool Kit. You can build an expression like you could with OpenUI in 4x. Save that expression to a variable. Then write that variable into the javascript function. You include the / character in the variable so the &mvt does not come after it; it is inside the variable. Example:

                <mvt:item name="toolkit" param="mvassign|url|'/product/' $ category_code $ '/' $ l.all_settings:product:code $ '.html'" />
                Test: &mvt:global:url;
                Bill Weiland - Emporium Plus
                Online Documentation


                  Re: Gilligan's Google Analytics Module for 5/5.5 is now FREE at Miva Central

                  I'm having a problem with implementing this. When I try and enter the code to the global footer, I get a Miva error that says "Line 117: mvt:if has no close mvt:if. I see the open and close tag for this so I'm not sure what's going on. Here is the code as it appears in our footer. I have swapped out the google analytics account number here but it is in my version on my site. I checked the other code on the page and there were no open conditionals.

                  <mvt:if expr="Screen NE INVC">
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                  var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
                  document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                  var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-xxxxxx-2
                  Last edited by amcgibbon; 11-25-08, 11:16 AM.


                    Re: Gilligan's Google Analytics Module for 5/5.5 is now FREE at Miva Central

                    What happens if you try putting all of this on one line?

                    var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-xxxxxx-2


                      Re: Gilligan's Google Analytics Module for 5/5.5 is now FREE at Miva Central

                      Darned if that didn't solve the problem. Many thanks Leanne.


                        Re: Gilligan's Google Analytics Module for 5/5.5 is now FREE at Miva Central

                        Originally posted by papi34 View Post
                        You need to set up GA Goals to make this work correctly...right?
                        What should we put for our Goal URL?
                        How about the following:
                        Does that make sense if you are using SEO (short) links?
                        Any idea if we need to do this?


                          Re: Gilligan's Google Analytics Module for 5/5.5 is now FREE at Miva Central

                          A succinct step by step on 'what to do in Miva', and 'what to do in GA' would really help here. It is hard to track the answers as they get spread over many pages of posts.

                          I have the 'what to do in Miva part' from the install file in the GOL module. But what to do in GA to make this all work correctly, or how to use GOL 5 to see cart bailouts seems to be missing.

                          Anywhere this is all in one place?
                          Holly Nelson, CEO of 2C Development Group


                            Re: Gilligan's Google Analytics Module for 5/5.5 is now FREE at Miva Central

                            Well there can be a LOT of variations in how a store is setup. Any store not just Miva Merchant. Since google supports them all... it's up to the coder to work through the google documentation and apply to their own store.

                            And exactly just what the goals are for tracking can be completely different depending on the website being tracked. It isn't just web retail stores, that use google analytics.

                            For example:
                            You might want a goal to be that a person fills in some form and then gets another page... and then does some action.. like watch a video to its completion.

                            OR if they use a particular pay per click add you placed out there in the www, you might want to track if they used it... just knowing someone got to a page isn't enough.

                            Or you might want to ask some demographic questions and then see how over time, that person does things in your website.

                            There are more goals than just checking out.

                            In a miva store, the checkout can be altered and so it isn't always the Miva default. You might have a 1 page checkout for example. For any type of store, if you want to use completing checkout all the way through the checkout completion or invoice step... you basically just follow through your checkout, grab the urls at each page load.. and then use each one of those urls as step in your 'funnel'. Your final invoice screen is your 'goal'.

                            IF you've customized google to use 'names' for pages instead of the url (I'll explain why you should in a min)... then you'll have to figure out what those names are and use those instead of the actual urls of your 'steps.

                            Google tracking can be really simple. OR google tracking can get really complicated. The data you can obtain can be really refined if you start using the customizable feature of the ga.js tracker.

                            *** I wanted to take a sec and explain why you might want to use the pageTracker.TrackPageView('') to actually name pages. ***

                            I found in my miva merchant store, that default google analytics didn't give me much information. Since everything looks like the merchant.mvc file is the same 'page' there were a lot of different screens that the customer experiences, that are not actually the same, even though the urls is merchant.mvc. However since ga thought they were the same page, all of those screens were lumped together.

                            Using the TrackPageView allows setting of a fake page name for different screens.

                            so... I used store morph to writeout an appropriate line of javascript that sets the pageTracker.TrackPageView depending on what screen including the checkout series of page.

                            now, in my google analytics I can see if people were looking at a category, product, or a product nested in a category, one of the checkout screens, or even an informational page template that I setup. I believe I got about 98% of the screens they'll see. There might be a few missing.

                            Note: I am using Ray's tool belt to get around the bug in miva that doesn't allow certain characters before a store morph token. If you have Bill's tool kit, you can use that too. Or I've seen a couple other workaround on this forum too. This just worked for me. TERMS is my own template that I used to put policies and terms for my store on. You might have something else, or not need it at all.

                            <script type="text/javascript">
                            var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-xxxxxx-x");
                                <mvt:if expr="(g.screen EQ 'PROD')">
                            <mvt:item name="ry_toolbelt" param="striphtml|g.codeprod|l.all_settings:product:code" />
                            <mvt:item name="ry_toolbelt" param="striphtml|g.codecate|l.all_settings:category:code" />
                            <mvt:item name="ry_toolbelt" param="assign|g.kecode|'pageTracker._trackPageview(' $ asciichar(39) $'/product/' $ g.codecate $ '/' $ g.codeprod $ '.html' $ asciichar(39) $')'" />
                            	<mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'CTGY')">
                            <mvt:item name="ry_toolbelt" param="striphtml|g.codecate|l.all_settings:category:code" />
                            <mvt:item name="ry_toolbelt" param="assign|g.kecode|'pageTracker._trackPageview(' $ asciichar(39) $'/category/' $ g.codecate $ '.html' $ asciichar(39) $')'" />
                                <mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'OINF')">
                                <mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'OSEL')">
                                <mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'OPAY')">
                                <mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'INVC')">
                            	<mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'BASK')">
                            	<mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'SFNT')">
                            	<mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'TERMS')">
                            	<mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'SMAP')">
                            	<mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'ACAD')">
                            	<mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'ACED')">
                            	<mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'BSKE')">
                            	<mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'LOGN')">
                            	<mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'OUS1')">
                            	<mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'OUSM')">
                            	<mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'PATR')">
                            	<mvt:elseif expr="(g.screen EQ 'SRCH')">
                            In the above example using custom page names, if my goal is to track checkout through the invoice. I set the google goal to be https://mydomain/checkout/order.html
                            and I set the steps in my funnel to start with the shopping basket page name and so on.

                            If you browse on the google forums for analytics you'll see that it can be very granular using this.

                            The trick is to make sure your custom names for screens you care about are unique for each screen. If they aren't, å everything that appears to have the same custom name will be lumped together in google analytics.

                            Hope that kind of helped.
                            Last edited by kayakbabe; 11-25-08, 10:37 PM.


                              Re: Gilligan's Google Analytics Module for 5/5.5 is now FREE at Miva Central

                              One more thing... searching on the google groups forum for analytics will help you a lot. I found a lot of my early answers there. And also more complicated questions are often answered there.



                                Re: Gilligan's Google Analytics Module for 5/5.5 is now FREE at Miva Central

                                I have 1 domain with 11 miva stores in it. I installed GOL 5.1 in the 1 store no problems but I get an error when trying to install in a second store.

                                On the invoice page when I hit update after installing this code
                                <mvt:item name="golanalytics" param="golanalytics:" />

                                I get an error message that says that to Gol anlytics item is not assigned but that item is assigned.
                                Any ideas?

