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microsoft live search cashback

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    microsoft live search cashback

    we are trying to set this up for our company. my coworker has set up the module in miva, and i have a "merchant id to paste into my cart software" - where do i put this? and where do i paste the data feed information in miva?

    thank you

    Re: microsoft live search cashback

    Login to your admin interface and click on System Extension Settings and then on the Microsoft Live Search cashback tab. You'll see the fields for the account info.
    Jim McCormick
    Miva Merchant Support


      Re: microsoft live search cashback

      thank you so much!!! :)


        Re: microsoft live search cashback

        Here's some more detailed instructions:

        Here are step by step instructions on how to quickly get started with Microsoft Live Search cashback.

        Login to Miva Merchant

        Click the Updates Available link at the bottom of the left frame and update your Miva Merchant store

        Once your store is updated go to System Extension Settings

        Check the box next to "Microsoft Live Search cashback" and click the Update button

        Click on the "Microsoft Live Search cashback" tab at the top

        Click the signup button

        Fill out the form to join the Microsoft Live Search cashback program

        Next you will receive an e-mail from Microsoft

        Go back to System Extension Settings and the "Microsoft Live Search cashback" tab

        Check the box Enable Microsoft Live Search cashback

        Enter the Merchant ID, FTP Server, FTP Username and FTP Password provided in the email from Microsoft.

        Click Update

        Now you can add items, note you must add a minimum of 10 items. You can add items one of three ways

        Add Items Method 1:

        From the Microsoft Live Search cashback tab under System Extension Settings click edit next to the product

        Check the first box "Active in Microsoft Live Search cashback"

        Enter a Manufacturer's code

        You can use what is stored in Miva Merchant for the other fields or override by filling out the appropriate text box

        Click Update

        Add Items Method 2:

        Click on Products

        Find your Product

        Click Edit

        Click on the "Microsoft Live Search cashback" tab

        Check the first box "Active in Microsoft Live Search cashback"

        Enter a Manufacturer's code

        You can use what is stored in Miva Merchant for the other fields or override by filling out the appropriate text box

        Click Update

        Add Items Method 3 (recommended for bulk edits):

        Click the Plus Sign next to Utilities

        Click the Plus Sign next to Export Data

        Click Microsoft Live Search cashback

        If you use FTP then leave the option "Do Not Email"

        If you do not want to use FTP then select "Email File To" and enter your email address

        Check the box "Export Field Names as Header"

        Click Export

        Open the exported data file in a text editor or Microsoft Excel

        For each item you want active in Microsoft Live Search cashback set the field ENABLED to 1, Enter a Manufacturer's code in the MFG_CODE field/column

        Save the file

        Go back to the Miva Merchant Admin

        Click the Plus Sign next to Utilities

        Click the Plus Sign next to Import Data

        Click Microsoft Live Search cashback

        Check the box "First Line of File is a Header Row"

        Click the Upload Button

        Check the box next to Overwrite

        Click the Browse button and navigate to the file you edited & saved

        Click Upload

        Click Next

        Click Import

        Now go back to System Extension Settings and click on the "Microsoft Live Search cashback" tab

        Click Publish

        You are finished and your products should show up in Microsoft Live Search cashback shortly.
        Jim McCormick
        Miva Merchant Support


          Re: microsoft live search cashback

          can you elaborate on the manufacturer's code? like, if i leave it blank will it prevent the item from being listed?

          is there somewhere to get a proper code, or can i just put for example Guardian (generator manufacturer)


            Re: microsoft live search cashback

            I believe Microsoft is hoping you'll use the manufacturers SKU, it helps a lot with consumer electronics etc...

            Rick Wilson
            Miva, Inc.


              Re: microsoft live search cashback

              Originally posted by Rick Wilson View Post
              I believe Microsoft is hoping you'll use the manufacturers SKU, it helps a lot with consumer electronics etc...
              You mean UPC code, or the manufacturer's "model number"?


                Re: microsoft live search cashback

                Before I give bad advice, let me ask them and see what they say.

                Rick Wilson
                Miva, Inc.


                  Re: microsoft live search cashback

                  Originally posted by Rick Wilson View Post
                  Before I give bad advice, let me ask them and see what they say.

                  I am trying to add over 1,000 products to the search but it looks like for each product I need to add the model number. After 5 i stooped becuase it was taking to much of my time, can it just use the product code for that information since that's how i list the products.
                  Manoj. T
                  Overseas Best Buy Inc.

                  Twitter | Facebook


                    Re: microsoft live search cashback

                    Never mind i just read this

                    Add Items Method 3 (recommended for bulk edits):
                    Manoj. T
                    Overseas Best Buy Inc.

                    Twitter | Facebook


                      Re: microsoft live search cashback

                      For what it's worth, I spoke to Microsoft and this is what they said about Manufacturers ID, they're looking for an easy way to group products, so if you're selling a Sony product then Sony or Sony of America are both acceptable Manufacturer ID's.

                      I hope that helps. There is a separate fields for SKU and UPC

                      Rick Wilson
                      Miva, Inc.


                        Re: microsoft live search cashback

                        Alright, thank you, that's what I was looking for.

                        Well, I have an email out for help with my cashback problems, but I might as well post here too and see if anyone can help..

                        The only thing holding us back from being on Live is our tracking pixel and data feed.

                        First, the tracking pixel:
                        They told me I should put it on our confirmation page, however, we also use Google Checkout, which emails them a link that goes through Google, thus not going to a confirmation page from our site. Is there a way around this, or a way to get it to work?

                        Second, I have tried publishing our data feed via Miva System Extensions, but it just times out and goes to a white page (in multiple browsers). Since that did not work, I manually exported the feed and I opened it up to check the symmetry between the Cashback's Data Feed setup and doesn't mesh. The product link is missing and the columns are out of order. I can't upload this feed, and it seems like adding new product would become quite tedious.

                        Any help is much appreciated.

                        Thank you,
                        Last edited by motox5874; 12-10-08, 05:52 AM.


                          Re: microsoft live search cashback

                          well our data feed published via miva system extensions, so i'm not going to worry about that right now...

                          all i have left to do is put our tracking pixel on the invoice page?

                          <!-- Begin Live Search cashback Tracking Pixel Code --> 
                          <script type='text/javascript'> 
                          var jf_merchant_id = 'MERCHAN_ID'; 
                          var jf_merchant_order_num = 'ORDER_NUMBER'; 
                          var jf_purchased_items = new Array(); 
                          // adding cart items FOR EACH PURCHASED ITEM...
                          // add cart item var 
                          jf_item = new Object(); 
                          jf_item.mpi = 'ITEM_PRODUCT_ID'; 
                          jf_item.price = 'ITEM_PRICE'; 
                          jf_item.quantity = ITEM_QUANTITY; 
                          jf_purchased_items.push(jf_item); NEXT PURCHASED ITEM 
                          <script type='text/javascript' src=''> 
                          <!-- End Cashback Tracking Pixel Code -->
                          *The JavaScript Variables are defined on the next page. The jf_merchant_id variable is filled in with the Merchant ID that was provided to you by your account manager. The jf_merchant_order_num will need to be filled in dynamically by the server with your order number. The “FOR EACH PURCHASED ITEM…” and “NEXT PURCHASED ITEM” text needs to be replaced with shopping cart code that will loop through all of the items on the customer’s order. Then the jf_item.mpi, jf_item.price, and jf_item.quantity are filled in with their respective data for each item until all the items have been looped through.

                          my question is what code is that miva-wise? shouldn't the module implement this upon installation? i'm at a loss as to why this is so difficult to get working.

                          any help is greatly appreciated



                            Re: microsoft live search cashback

                            all i have left to do is put our tracking pixel on the invoice page?
                            The module puts this on the Invoice page for you. Are you certain it's not there already?

                            Rick Wilson
                            Miva, Inc.


                              Re: microsoft live search cashback

                              would that be <mvt:item name="mslscb" param="invc">?

