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microsoft live search cashback

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    Re: microsoft live search cashback

    Once the data publishes, you need to contact Microsoft and have them run a test transaction, then once that clears, you're good to go.

    Rick Wilson
    Miva, Inc.


      Re: microsoft live search cashback

      This is aimed at papi34, but is really of general interest.

      The publish process consists of two stages.
      1. Create the cashback.txt file in the export directory.
      2. Transfer that file to Microsoft.

      Since stage 1 is run all on your store's server we are able to break it up into pieces, detect when a timeout is about to happen, and then recycle the admin page you are seeing (this is when the progress bar gets updated). When this stage finishes, the progress bar gets left in that "almost done" state but the cashback.txt file has been created.

      Stage 2 on the other hand is communication over the network from your store's server to Microsoft's server. We basically get to take that file and "throw it over the wall" to Microsoft. We have no control during that period and cannot even watch to see if a timeout is looming. This is why, if you have a large enough number of products, some will make it to Microsoft but not all.

      Fortunately if this happens to you, your cashback.txt file is already created in the export directory. If you have access to the files there, you can ftp it yourself directly to Microsoft.
      Mark Johnson
      Vice President Development
      Miva Merchant


        Re: microsoft live search cashback

        Originally posted by Mark Johnson View Post
        Stage 2 on the other hand is communication over the network from your store's server to Microsoft's server. We basically get to take that file and "throw it over the wall" to Microsoft. We have no control during that period and cannot even watch to see if a timeout is looming. This is why, if you have a large enough number of products, some will make it to Microsoft but not all.

        Fortunately if this happens to you, your cashback.txt file is already created in the export directory. If you have access to the files there, you can ftp it yourself directly to Microsoft.
        Mark, the math does not add up for me...
        I have 6508 products (6359 enabled) in the mslscb.dat file that I import.
        It tells me "6508 products in file, 6508 replaced, 0 updated, 0 not processed" after importing. So all are imported.

        After the publishing application times out, only 5932 out of the 6359 products are in the cashback.txt file that was created. If what you were saying were true, shouldnt I see 6359 products in the cashback.txt file? I don't know how to capture the remaining 427.

        Microsoft cautioned me on uploading a data feed manually...

        Please do note:
        - Your data feed urls, only if generated and pushed through Miva, will fire back a track in our system
        o Firing back non sensitive item-level data
        o Ensures consumers receive cashback (to avoid unhappy customers)
        - Unless you are able to code and integrate a tracking pixel to fire back required data, please do not upload a data feed manually
        Bronson Design Studio, LLC


          Re: microsoft live search cashback

          How would we establish 15% commission in import file (i.e.: 15.00, 15, .15, etc...)?
          Thank you, Bill Davis


            Re: microsoft live search cashback

            Originally posted by William Davis View Post
            How would we establish 15% commission in import file (i.e.: 15.00, 15, .15, etc...)?
            As I interpret the Microsoft documentation 15 or 15.0 would work.
            Mark Johnson
            Vice President Development
            Miva Merchant


              Re: microsoft live search cashback

              I'll respond to the parts of your post.

              Originally posted by papi34 View Post
              Mark, the math does not add up for me...
              I have 6508 products (6359 enabled) in the mslscb.dat file that I import.
              It tells me "6508 products in file, 6508 replaced, 0 updated, 0 not processed" after importing. So all are imported.

              After the publishing application times out, only 5932 out of the 6359 products are in the cashback.txt file that was created. If what you were saying were true, shouldnt I see 6359 products in the cashback.txt file? I don't know how to capture the remaining 427.
              I think you are probably right. I set up our test store with 6500 enabled products and did a publish that was completely successful. I also looked in our logs and saw your publish, marked as completed with 5932 products. Maybe you should contact me off-line to see if I can help you resolve this.

              Originally posted by papi34 View Post
              Microsoft cautioned me on uploading a data feed manually...

              Please do note:
              - Your data feed urls, only if generated and pushed through Miva, will fire back a track in our system
              o Firing back non sensitive item-level data
              o Ensures consumers receive cashback (to avoid unhappy customers)
              - Unless you are able to code and integrate a tracking pixel to fire back required data, please do not upload a data feed manually
              Microsoft is cautioning you here to not put up a data feed unless you have your store set up with the tracking pixel. They are worried about upsetting customers who would expect a refund. But you don't have to worry about that since the module is generating the tracking pixels for you.
              Mark Johnson
              Vice President Development
              Miva Merchant


                Re: microsoft live search cashback

                Originally posted by Mark Johnson View Post
                contact me off-line to see if I can help you resolve this.
                Thx...PM waiting for you.
                Bronson Design Studio, LLC


                  Re: microsoft live search cashback

                  I just wanted to follow up on this thread with what I found. I had a look at papi34's store and the products that were missing from his cashback.txt file were ones that had their active flag turned off. So I wanted to make people aware that products that are in your store but not marked as active will not be published, regardless of whether they are enabled for the data feed or not.
                  Mark Johnson
                  Vice President Development
                  Miva Merchant


                    Re: microsoft live search cashback

                    Thanks Mark...I'll take a closer look at that!

                    Just got off the phone with Microsoft. Here are a few more interesting facts about this program:

                    1) Customers are eligible to get cash back on any item in your store regardless of whether it is ENABLED in your datafeed or not. The reward level for non-enabled items is based on the Base Commission you set when setting up your account. It does not seem right, but after asking them to confirm this point numerous times, they assured me this is indeed how it works. [Might as well enable all your products if that is the case - you're going to pay a rebate if they are purchased anyway]

                    2) The cookie is set for 30 days, but active for 24 hrs. This means any customer who makes a purchase within 24 hours of being directed to your store from Live Search cashback, will get cash back. Not sure if the gleam disappears after 24 hrs.
                    Last edited by papi34; 01-12-09, 04:06 PM.
                    Bronson Design Studio, LLC


                      Re: microsoft live search cashback

                      Mark, it appears as tho I am set up, however, Microsoft is concerned that the customer is not directed to the landing page where the tracking pixel exists. I use Google checkout and unless the customer clicks on the 'return to' button at the end of the transaction, they do not get to the pixel. Is there a way for me to force the return? Here is the message that MS sent after doing the test transactions.

                      "Hi John,
                      It looks like that if the customer were to close the window at the google checkout page and not click “Return to Afishinados” (thinking that the order had been placed and there would be nothing left for them to do), that the tracking pixel would not send the order information back to cashback (since the pixel is located on the “Return to Afishinados” page), and the customer would then not see the rebate in their user account.


                        Re: microsoft live search cashback

                        Originally posted by Mark Johnson View Post
                        There also should be a <mvt:item name="mslscb" param="prod> in the Product Display Layout on the PROD page. This item displays the Microsoft gleam on the product page.
                        Is there any reason why we can't remove this item from the PROD page if we'd rather not display the microsoft gleam?
                        Bronson Design Studio, LLC


                          Re: microsoft live search cashback

                          Originally posted by papi34 View Post
                          Is there any reason why we can't remove this item from the PROD page if we'd rather not display the microsoft gleam?
                          I don't know if there is anything in the agreement with Microsoft about having it there. But from the point of view of the software working, there is no reason you have to have it there if you don't want it.
                          Mark Johnson
                          Vice President Development
                          Miva Merchant


                            Re: microsoft live search cashback

                            Originally posted by Afishinado View Post
                            Mark, it appears as tho I am set up, however, Microsoft is concerned that the customer is not directed to the landing page where the tracking pixel exists. I use Google checkout and unless the customer clicks on the 'return to' button at the end of the transaction, they do not get to the pixel. Is there a way for me to force the return? Here is the message that MS sent after doing the test transactions.

                            "Hi John,
                            It looks like that if the customer were to close the window at the google checkout page and not click “Return to Afishinados” (thinking that the order had been placed and there would be nothing left for them to do), that the tracking pixel would not send the order information back to cashback (since the pixel is located on the “Return to Afishinados” page), and the customer would then not see the rebate in their user account.
                            I am not familiar enough with Google checkout to know if there is a way around this or not. I will check with Alex tomorrow. He just finished working on Google checkout and if anyone should know he would.
                            Mark Johnson
                            Vice President Development
                            Miva Merchant


                              Re: microsoft live search cashback

                              Originally posted by Mark Johnson View Post
                              I don't know if there is anything in the agreement with Microsoft about having it there. But from the point of view of the software working, there is no reason you have to have it there if you don't want it.
                              According to the Microsoft Merchant Assistant assigned to me, the gleam should not be on our pages...

                              I’m also gathering information on the gleam—we don’t place gleams directly on retailer websites, so I’m a little concerned of this. I thought you were referring to gleams on at first, but this is something quite odd. I’ve also escalated this issue to our support tiers and will be with you when I receive answers.
                              Bronson Design Studio, LLC


                                Re: microsoft live search cashback

                                Originally posted by Mark Johnson View Post
                                I am not familiar enough with Google checkout to know if there is a way around this or not. I will check with Alex tomorrow. He just finished working on Google checkout and if anyone should know he would.
                                Yes this is a problem with Google Checkout. For example, both Paypal and the upcoming Checkout by Amazon can be configured to automatically return to the invoice page (with no action required by the customer). But Google Checkout can't be configured that way.
                                Mark Johnson
                                Vice President Development
                                Miva Merchant

