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Saved Shopping Baskets

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    Saved Shopping Baskets

    Is there going to be a built-in way to let customers save their shopping basket? I saw the Emporium module, but was unsure of how old that is or how well it would work for our needs. Can anyone speak into that, or suggest an alternative? We at least would want this option available to customers who have an account.


    Re: Saved Shopping Baskets

    I'm not sure if they are adding it, but the module you reference should work for you just fine.

    Consultant / Developer / Trainer
    Contributing Editor to Practical Ecommerce
    Author of the Official Guides for Miva Merchant


      Re: Saved Shopping Baskets

      There are functions in Toolkit that can save baskets:

      savebasket, savebasketdate, savebasketshow, savebasketascookie, savebasket2email

      We use savebasketascookie in a couple of places.

      We use savebasket2email and are amazed how many customers actually Email their baskets.


        Re: Saved Shopping Baskets

        The ability to save baskets (to your wishlist) will be part of 9.0004
        Brennan Heyde
        VP Product
        Miva, Inc.
        [email protected]


          Re: Saved Shopping Baskets

          Thanks, everyone. I might go ahead and mess around with the Toolkit solution and see how that works for now. I'm definitely anxious to see how it's implemented in 9.0004, too. I think my ideal scenario would be where a customer doesn't ever know that their basket expired, even if that's what actually happens on the back end. It doesn't sound like any solution named above would really provide this exact solution, but I thought I'd toss that out there for future consideration.



            Re: Saved Shopping Baskets

            If you are just trying to make it so the basket contents stay longer you can adjust this setting in the admin under Store Settings Basket Timeout. The default is 60 minutes. However you can change this to whatever you like. We have some customers who have this set to 30 days.

            Some things to keep in mind with doing that.

            1. Inventory is tied up for any product in a basket until the basket expires. If you track inventory or have low stock products making this number too high will cause issues

            2. If you run a high traffic store, the basket table can grow large when you increase this setting because baskets take much longer to expire.
            Brennan Heyde
            VP Product
            Miva, Inc.
            [email protected]


              Any idea when/if baskets will be saved/associated with customer accounts? I can't tell you how many customers complain that they lost their basket contents, when in reality they just moved from one device to another. It'd be great if basket contents were associated with the user's account so that they could shop on any device while maintaining the same contents if logged in. Anyway, hope this is a feature that gets added soon.

              Last edited by RTHOMASDESIGN; 09-10-21, 02:26 PM.


                You could repurose the Wish List to do this. Its a bit complicated but a bet you could pull it off. If you wait a bit, we'll figure it out and let you know. (Its a task a client asked for).

                This makes sense as it puts the 'saved' baskets where people would expect them. You could then add the ability, when the client logs in, to show them "wish lists" and "saved baskets".

                Personally better than just populating the cart. Annoys me when I have to remove stuff the GF added to her cart everytime i need to get something from Amazon. Would rather select it from the login screen.

                Bruce Golub
                Phosphor Media - "Your Success is our Business"

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                  "You could repurpose the Wish List to do this. Its a bit complicated but a bet you could pull it off. If you wait a bit, we'll figure it out and let you know. (Its a task a client asked for)." Ya I probably could, I think I see how you'd get it to work that way. I just don't know when I'll have time to play around. If you guys do figure it out please let me know. Thanks for chiming in Bruce :)

                  "Personally better than just populating the cart. Annoys me when I have to remove stuff the GF added to her cart everytime i need to get something from Amazon. Would rather select it from the login screen."
                  Hahaha, my fiancé (for only 21 more days) and I have this problem all the time. I usually just move her items into "save for later" and move them back to the cart after purchase – that way at least she's not frustrated :p


                    Yea, we could probably give you the smt snippets at least to create an "auto save basket" and then another one to "add all back to cart"
                    Bruce Golub
                    Phosphor Media - "Your Success is our Business"

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                      Originally posted by RTHOMASDESIGN View Post
                      "You could repurpose the Wish List to do this. Its a bit complicated but a bet you could pull it off. If you wait a bit, we'll figure it out and let you know. (Its a task a client asked for)." Ya I probably could, I think I see how you'd get it to work that way. I just don't know when I'll have time to play around. If you guys do figure it out please let me know. Thanks for chiming in Bruce :)

                      "Personally better than just populating the cart. Annoys me when I have to remove stuff the GF added to her cart everytime i need to get something from Amazon. Would rather select it from the login screen."
                      Hahaha, my fiancé (for only 21 more days) and I have this problem all the time. I usually just move her items into "save for later" and move them back to the cart after purchase – that way at least she's not frustrated :p
                      Hey Ryan, I did it for a site but it may not be what you are needing. Let me know if you want to peek at it.
                      Leslie Kirk
                      Miva Certified Developer
                      Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
                      Previously of Webs Your Way
                      (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

                      Email me: [email protected]

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