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Edit options at basket page

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    Edit options at basket page

    I am trying to implement the "EDIT OPTIONS AT BASKET PAGE" steps as outlined on this page: I tried it on a client's store and wasn't able to get it working so I tried it on my dev store and couldn't get it working there either.

    I am not quite sure what is wrong since I tried to follow the steps.

    I was able to get the 'Edit Options' link to appear on both the dev site and client site, but when I clicked nothing happened. The popup didn't appear.

    This is a link to the dev store with a product with an attribute:

    Re: Edit options at basket page

    Your code is making the AJAX call to the page to call it in, but not getting the correct response. Did you make all the changes required in the article/

    Checkout the example link and see what the working example should be returning.
    Brennan Heyde
    VP Product
    Miva, Inc.
    [email protected]


      Re: Edit options at basket page

      I got this somewhat working. The popup now works but it is not functioning properly. When you change the attributes in the popup it is not removing the existing product and adding the new one. If you reload the page, it will simply add a new product with your new selection.

      Any ideas how to fix this?


        Re: Edit options at basket page

        I've been wanting to implement this for a while, and now it's Tinker Friday. We've used the Sebenza module for years.

        I followed the docs and got everything working and playing nice. Problem I'm having though is when there are multiple items in the cart with options. I can edit the first item just fine. Anything after the first item causes an error. Not a visible error on the page, it just doesn't do anything.

        Console Log:
        Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null
        (anonymous function) @ VM717:4
        (anonymous function) @ jquery.min.js:2
        n.extend.globalEval @ jquery.min.js:2
        n.fn.extend.domManip @ jquery.min.js:3
        n.fn.extend.append @ jquery.min.js:3
        (anonymous function) @ jquery.min.js:3
        n.access @ jquery.min.js:3
        n.fn.extend.html @ jquery.min.js:3
        (anonymous function) @ custom.js:88
        n.Callbacks.j @ jquery.min.js:2
        n.Callbacks.k.fireWith @ jquery.min.js:2
        x @ jquery.min.js:4
        n.ajaxTransport.send.b @ jquery.min.js:4
        I tried the demo from the link in the docs, but the function doesn't seem to be working anymore. So does this work with multiple items with options in the basket? I'm using basket:items, do I need to switch to basket:groups? Maybe I just need to tinker some more...
        Ron Frigon
        Jedi Webmaster Obi-Ron Kenobi


          Re: Edit options at basket page

          Yea, its too bad no one would build a module to do this in seconds...but, that's what everyone wanted so...tinker on!
          Last edited by Bruce - PhosphorMedia; 10-17-15, 01:04 PM. Reason: Changed "could" to "would" cause of course, we could.
          Bruce Golub
          Phosphor Media - "Your Success is our Business"

          Improve Your Customer Service | Get MORE Customers | Edit CSS/Javascript/HTML Easily | Make Your Site Faster | Get Indexed by Google | Free Modules | Follow Us on Facebook


            Re: Edit options at basket page

            Originally posted by Bruce - PhosphorMedia View Post
            Yea, its too bad no one would build a module to do this in seconds...
            Hey Bruce!

            Why don't you build a module for this? Seems like it should be a built in feature, but a module would do for me. I'm probably good for 2-3 licenses.
            Ron Frigon
            Jedi Webmaster Obi-Ron Kenobi


              Re: Edit options at basket page

              Actually, I've written modules that can do this, but always as part of some larger project. You can drop me a line by email, and let's talk about a solution for you.

              Thanks -- Kent
              Kent Multer
              Magic Metal Productions
              * Web developer/designer
              * E-commerce and Miva
              * Author, The Official Miva Web Scripting Book -- available on-line:


                Re: Edit options at basket page


                The reality is that while some store owners like yourself, even though competent at doing template changes, understand the value of paying a couple of bucks to save themselves time, most do not.

                It's at times interesting (like after a few drinks) that the same folks who justify spending 7-12 bucks for coffee cause it's convenient, can't be convinced to spend 40/60 bucks to save tens of hours of work.

                While not immensely complicated, this module would probably take about 10K to develop (mostly because of our high standards) 50 each, we'd break even at 200 copies...and the days of any module selling that many (aside from free ones) are gone.

                This reality also means that everyone has to wait for Miva to add whatever feature THEY need/want. But, the 'market' has spoken and for the most part, the market want's EVERYTHING built in.
                Bruce Golub
                Phosphor Media - "Your Success is our Business"

                Improve Your Customer Service | Get MORE Customers | Edit CSS/Javascript/HTML Easily | Make Your Site Faster | Get Indexed by Google | Free Modules | Follow Us on Facebook


                  Re: Edit options at basket page

                  My custom modules rarely cost $10,000; most are in the $300 to $1000 range. My standards are high enough that I get very few complaints, and plenty of repeat business.

                  Sorry, Bruce, I don't mean to start an argument or criticize anyone. It may be that your clients tend to be larger companies with big budgets, whereas I work more with the smaller businesses. I just want to make sure that readers understand that your numbers don't represent the whole custom-module market.

                  Thanks --
                  Kent Multer
                  Magic Metal Productions
                  * Web developer/designer
                  * E-commerce and Miva
                  * Author, The Official Miva Web Scripting Book -- available on-line:


                    Re: Edit options at basket page

                    The reality is that while some store owners like yourself, even though competent at doing template changes, understand the value of paying a couple of bucks to save themselves time, most do not.

                    It's at times interesting (like after a few drinks) that the same folks who justify spending 7-12 bucks for coffee cause it's convenient, can't be convinced to spend 40/60 bucks to save tens of hours of work.
                    Fortunately here in my case I'm not the store owner. I'm just the "Web Dude" who gets to sit at a desk and figure this kind of stuff out. But I also know the value of my time, even just as a "store integrator?". We have 5 different companies here running Miva. It's a lot of work to manage 5 sites, and I don't do any of the order processing, shipping or customer service.

                    I agree with you completely. Store owners should spend their valuable time running their business. Not trying to figure this kind of stuff out. Seems like most of the time they end up breaking things and then blaming the software. Then in the end need to hire a developer to fix it for them. What a waste of time.
                    Ron Frigon
                    Jedi Webmaster Obi-Ron Kenobi


                      Re: Edit options at basket page

                      I just use the "Store Owner" as the generic for 'Who's making the decisions'...but yea, I know what you mean. We will use another developers module when it saves time without second thought. If there is one rule successful businesses have to learn, it is:

                      Time is the only finite constraint a business has. EVERYTHING else is malleable.
                      Bruce Golub
                      Phosphor Media - "Your Success is our Business"

                      Improve Your Customer Service | Get MORE Customers | Edit CSS/Javascript/HTML Easily | Make Your Site Faster | Get Indexed by Google | Free Modules | Follow Us on Facebook


                        Has anyone successfully implemented this? I tried to go to the test link in the directions but it no longer works. This was it (


                          I've implemented this at one of our sites. Here's an item you can add to cart and edit:

                          This is not a standard implementation, but I was able to follow the attached procedure.
                          Attached Files
                          Ron Frigon
                          Jedi Webmaster Obi-Ron Kenobi


                            I have a module for this. Drop me a line.
                            Kent Multer
                            Magic Metal Productions
                            * Web developer/designer
                            * E-commerce and Miva
                            * Author, The Official Miva Web Scripting Book -- available on-line:


                              Ron, what makes yours non-standard? I found one glitch that isn't huge: if you click "Edit Options" but don't make any changes and hit "Save my Changes" the item actually gets removed from the cart. Just curious if that has caused you any problems and if anyone knows a fix for it?

                              I am just trying to figure out which method is easier for the customer: Kent's module where it goes back to the product page or having the popup like in Ron's.

