Hello Mivites,
Currently there is a world wide internet outage that appears to have originated with a company called CenturyLink. They are one of the largest global internet providers and their network issue is affecting a good portion of the internet as a whole, including Cloudflare. We've seen a large drop in traffic to our network but have confirmed nearly every major internet service provider is also having outage reports at https://downdetector.com/ The sharp spike on each service being reported as down began around 6am EST. We have circuits to CenturyLink but turned them off around 6:10am, so we are no longer directly affected by their outage, but given how many network providers use their services, world wide traffic is still being disrupted as a result.
We're also monitoring https://www.cloudflarestatus.com as Cloudflare has reported issues with a 'transit provider', which is CenturyLink. They're a good barometer for overall internet health as some estimates are that a quarter of all websites' traffic flows through Cloudflare.
Currently there is a world wide internet outage that appears to have originated with a company called CenturyLink. They are one of the largest global internet providers and their network issue is affecting a good portion of the internet as a whole, including Cloudflare. We've seen a large drop in traffic to our network but have confirmed nearly every major internet service provider is also having outage reports at https://downdetector.com/ The sharp spike on each service being reported as down began around 6am EST. We have circuits to CenturyLink but turned them off around 6:10am, so we are no longer directly affected by their outage, but given how many network providers use their services, world wide traffic is still being disrupted as a result.
We're also monitoring https://www.cloudflarestatus.com as Cloudflare has reported issues with a 'transit provider', which is CenturyLink. They're a good barometer for overall internet health as some estimates are that a quarter of all websites' traffic flows through Cloudflare.