We created an Order Custom Field to collect a message. It appears to be working correctly, but the inputted message is not appearing on the INVC page. We are using the following code on the INVC page in the Customer Information Section:
When we place a test order, the field data input gets stored in the admin with the order under the "Custom Fields" link as it is suppose to. When we view the INVC page using Tokenlist, the gift message appears on the INVC page.
What are we missing to display the gift message on the INVC page?
<mvt:item name="customfields" param="Read_Basket('gift_msg', g.gift_msg)" /> <mvt:item name="customfields" param="Read_Order(l.settings:order:id, 'gift_msg', g.gift_msg)" /> <div class="form_row"> <label>Gift Card Message:</label> <div>&mvte:global:gift_msg;</div> </div>
What are we missing to display the gift message on the INVC page?