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Is MvtAssign It still Active?

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    Is MvtAssign It still Active?

    I came across the following Sublime Text package:

    I installed it via the package manager in Sublime Text. I highlight my toolkit code and try either CTRL+M or going to the MVTAssign IT option in the menu, but it does not convert.

    Do I need to be set to a specific file format (e.g. mvt) or something else?

    I have tried this in both v2 and v3 of Sublime.

    PS- Would love a port of this to Adobe Brackets ( Brackets is quickly becoming my go-to editor lately.

    Re: Is MvtAssign It still Active?


    It's hard to know exactly what the issue is, but here is some general info that may help find the problem: The plugin is made to convert individual blocks of toolkit/toolbelt/sebenzatools assignments (toolkit: sassign, vassign, mvassign | toolbelt: assign | sebenzatools: var). Any other toolkit/toolbelt/sebenzatools functions will not get transformed. I have been able to get it to work on ST2 & ST3, so that should not be an issue.

    Also highlighting multiple variable assignments in one selection will not work. The video on Github ( may be a little deceiving: multiple lines & variable assignments are selected, but then right before "MvtAssign It" gets triggered, I am using ctrl + shift + L to split the selection at each line. Here's a quick screen cast that may help clear things up too:

    Can you send over a quick sample of the code that you are highlighting & trying to convert? A quick screen recording of your process would be great too.



      Re: Is MvtAssign It still Active?


      Thank you for your prompt reply. Your info was very helpful. So it turns out that I was being a little presumptuous of the scripts capabilities, in that I was trying to convert toolkit time functions. DOH! But the ctrl + shift + L is a very cool trick, which did convert the one sassign string I had.

      Thanks again for a very cool (and free) tool.


        Re: Is MvtAssign It still Active?

        This brings to mind a request: Can we have some beginner level developer tracks at the next Mivacon? I would personally love to see some smt coding (conditionals, basic functions, etc) as well as some beginner module developer courses. I can make my way around mvt code fairly well, but have yet to dive into any custom modules.

