The Amazon Pay button support built into the Miva Module has orange and tan in three similar sizes. Amazon has a TON of other buttons that are accepted. See here: and we can't get these through the 'point and click' mode on the amazon pay button config on the BASK page. I have tried the 'advanced' mode - you have access to the <img> tag. The problem is if you manipulate that <img> tag in advanced mode and supply your own saved copy of another Amazon image, the module will output a duplicate Amazon Pay button using the default settings. I have also tried putting just an ID on the <img> tag and using javascript to swap the SRC attribute once the page is loaded to a button of my choice. This works some of the time in some browsers but ultimately is not consistent and is a hack, obviously.
What is the way to actually use something from here instead?
Sorry I can not post links.
What is the way to actually use something from here instead?
Sorry I can not post links.