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Stone Edge (SEOM) import issue

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    Stone Edge (SEOM) import issue

    Did anyone else have issue with importing Miva orders using SEOM?

    Rick and team, is there a recent code change that may impact the seom module causing the import not to response?

    There was just an issue reported on FB regarding an issue connecting with QuickBooks. I'm wondering if it's related. It has to do with the version of ms access being used. Did you recently upgrade?


      Originally posted by kitdang View Post
      Did anyone else have issue with importing Miva orders using SEOM?

      Rick and team, is there a recent code change that may impact the seom module causing the import not to response?
      Seems you would need to contact StoneEdge people/support. AKAIK, Miva doesn't code StoneEdge's connector modules.
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        Any chance encryption was recently enabled? That's the most common issue we see; older modules don't work with that.
        David Hubbard
        [email protected]


          As of this morning we are also having issues importing from Miva into StoneEdge. Anyone else still having issues and/or find a solution?


            Here is what a guy had to say on the StoneEdge Forum:

            "Problem with Miva downloads this morning. Miva no longer is sending XML header on data downloaded into SEOM. SEOM has a check for the XML header which no longer exists and it fails. There's a code change to comment out this check which should have no ill effects can be made. Either ask Stone Edge or I for the fix."

            Waiting to here back....


              For the record we haven't released an update to Miva Merchant in months now (and we don't maintain the StoneEdge connector), so I'm following this, but we have not proactively changed anything recently.

              Rick Wilson
              Miva, Inc.
              [email protected]


                We use STOM and are not having any issues using the 3.603 omxmlexp.mvc


                  Ok here is an update. XML headers were not coming from the Miva import correctly, however, it was not really a Miva issue. We use CloudFlare and this appears to be the cause of the problem. We had to put in some bypass rules to the omxmlexp.mvc file AND we had to uncheck the HTML minify box in the Speed settings. Once we made these changes in Cloudflare things seemed to work.


                    We recently went through a site redo. No longer using Addendum for custom order fields because it's now using the native/regular custom order fields in Miva such as Order Instructions and Gift Message. However, the export from Miva into Stone Edge Order Manager (SEOM) is not picking up these custom fields. Do we have to flip some switch to get miva to export those two custom order fields? Does anyone know what to try? We can't rely on copy/paste with holiday season coming up.

                    We have
                    Miva 9.07.01
                    SEOM v 7.114 (Enterprise ed.)
                    omxmlexp.mvc v 3.525 or 3.526

                    We are trying to get a more recent version of the the export module from Stone Edge but it's not on their download gateway. They have also said we will will have to customize our Stone Edge so it knows what to do with the data.

                    Has anyone successfully done this without using specialized modules (such as Addendum or Add'l checkout data pro)? Thanks,

                    Jeff Strong
                    Jeff Strong
                    Top-quality wind chimes. Online since 2002.


                      Unfortunately the Stone Edge connector does not support our built in custom order fields. You'r best option is to install addendum along side our order custom fields, and copy he data from our fields to addendum so they live in both places and Stone Edge and download them.

                      Brennan Heyde
                      VP Product
                      Miva, Inc.
                      [email protected]

