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MivaLearn bugs here

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    MivaLearn bugs here

    MivaLearn offers me to create a password.

    When I'm using something like: njs5KLXnDzxlD17hhzLE!
    I get an error.

    Your password must be at least 8 characters long
    Looks like the password is just too long and the wrong message is displayed. But why would anyone limit me in a max password length?!
    Last edited by AHerb; 08-29-18, 11:03 AM.

    Thanks for the information about the wrong error message, we will take a look into that issue.

    As for the password length the system we are using has the following restrictions on user passwords:

    - 20 characters maximum
    - 8 characters minimum
    - 1 upper case
    - 1 lower case
    - 1 number
    - 1 special character

    I am not sure the reasoning on the limitation of the password but I am sure they have their reasons.
    Nicholas Adkins
    Technical Training Specialist / Miva, Inc.
    [email protected]


      I don't believe you store passwords raw.
      If you encrypt them, you shouldn't really care about the maximum password length... unless it's more than the permitted POST size :-)

      Implementing high levels of security with 2 factor etc., while limiting the password length looks strange.
      It's pretty much same like Bank of America did not allow to use special characters while creating the passwords (not sure about now, but 5 years ago that was the case).


        Did anybody proofread the screens?

        LOL - I am finding typos and in one section the audio doesn't match the pages.

        Do ya need a proofreader? I have references
        Last edited by lesliekirk; 10-11-18, 04:01 AM.
        Leslie Kirk
        Miva Certified Developer
        Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
        Previously of Webs Your Way
        (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

        Email me: [email protected]

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          No, they just hired a former IKEA marketing writer...Lopps is the latest and greatest way to create programming loops.
          Bruce Golub
          Phosphor Media - "Your Success is our Business"

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            IKEA, huh? How fun would it be to see the whole Learn site done with illustrations (no text at all) of either happy or sad people wielding hammers. "Bang here to add a custom field to your product page template."
            Todd Gibson
            Oliver + S | Sewing Patterns for Kids and the Whole Family

